Discover the power of Visual AI

Draw realtime insights from images, videos and live stream.

  • Brand & Logo Detection

Our flagship engine is at the very core of our offering.  The quickly trainable engine can identify brands, logos, trademarks, products, sku’s or any other object of your interest on any surface or background.

  • Image Search Engine

Search identical images or patterns from a repository of billion images.  Image search engine helps in identify brand and trademark infringements, e-commerce – tagging of meta data and product recommendations.

  • Retail and warehouse audit

Apply custom built AI models to do stock count, calculate share of shelf, presence of competition brands, shelf hygiene, visual merchandise audits, warehouse compliance parameters and many more.

  • Video Analytics

Our video analytics engines detects humans, animals,  vehicles, weapons or any other object or text of your interest into custom information.  Identify celebrities, objectionable scenes or objects and receive a transcript of voice.

Talk to us

Integrate Visual AI into your products / projects. For a comprehensive assessment and guidance, get in touch with us today.

Complete the contact form, our team will get in touch with you right away.

Magesh Poondi

Founder & Director

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